MAD Art Gallery | Życie Niezbadane | Poznań
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MAD Art Gallery
September 16th - November 5th
Mielżyńskiego 27, 61-725 Poznań, Polen

Ponieważ nasze DNA niesie ze sobÄ… genetyczne instrukcje dotyczÄ…ce naszego rozwoju, funkcjonowania, wzrostu i reprodukcji naszego życia, każdy z nas ma swojÄ… wÅ‚asnÄ… wizjÄ™ życia. Ale co sprawia, że wierzymy, że to co widzimy i czujemy jest poprawne? Czy mamy odwagÄ™ kwestionować rzeczy w życiu? Czy kwestionowanie jest zaletÄ… czÅ‚owieka, która odróżnia nas od zwierzÄ…t? Przedstawionych artystów Å‚Ä…czy jedno: przesuwajÄ… granice naszego postrzegania. Wystawa nie dostarcza klucza do wiecznej mÄ…droÅ›ci, ale z pewnoÅ›ciÄ… ma moc odblokowania naszych zakorzenionych schematów myÅ›lowych. WychodzÄ…c z wystawy 'Å»ycie Niezbadane' zadasz sobie pytanie "Co dalej?"


Otwarte: poniedziaÅ‚ek - piÄ…tek: 11-19 & sobota: 11-15 

As our DNA is carrying genetic instructions for our development, functioning, growth and reproduction of our life, we all have our own vision on life. But what makes us believe that what we see and feel is correct? Do we dare to question things in life? Is questioning a human asset that differs us from animals? The representing artists have all one thing in common: they push the boundaries of our perception. The exhibition does not deliver the key to eternal wisdom but it has definitely the power to unlock our entrenched thought patterns. ‘Unexamined Life’ will let you leave with the simple question ‘What’s next?’. ​


Open: Monday - Friday: 11-19 & Saturday 11-15

Frans Smit - MAD Art Gallery

Frans Smit

After ‘Aurora’ by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini (Front)
600  x 550  x 26 mm - Oil and spray on Belgian linen - Thin frame black with gold strip inside (Framed 613 x 563 mm)

Frans Smit - MAD Art Gallery

Frans Smit
After ‘The Dwindling Night’ by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini (Rear)
600 x 550 x 26 mm - Oil and spray on Belgian linen - Thin frame black with gold strip inside (Framed 613 x 562 mm)

Frans Smit - MAD Art Gallery

Frans Smit
After ‘Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert, Rembrandt
682 x 999 x 26 mm - Oil and spray on Belgian linen - Thick frame black with gold strip inside - Gold at bottom
(Framed 700 x 1015 mm)

Frans Smit - MAD Art Gallery

Frans Smit
After ‘A skull’. Oil painting. Artist unknown
350 mm x 450 mm - Oil and spray on Belgian linen - Thin black frame with bone strip inner (Framed 368 x 463 mm)

Adriaan Diedericks - Truncated II - MAD Art Gallery

Adriaan Diedericks
Year: 2015 - Bronze on Steel
Edition of 12
340 x 120 x 80 mm


Adriaan Diedericks
Torso Fragment
Bronze / Resin
Edition of 12
52 x 30 x 18 cm

Nathalie Campion - MAD Art Gallery

Nathalie Campion
Corpus #3, 2021
Glazed Ceramic
40 - 69 - 160 cm.

Vittorio Iavazzo - MAD Art Gallery

Vittorio Iavazzo
The Big Bubble, 2020
Paper, iron, plaster, resin and wood
20 x 30 x 85 cm

Anton Kusters - MAD Art Gallery

Anton Kusters
Blue Skies Project
10,8 - 8,5 cm.
SIngle Framed Edition 1/3, 2019


Sanell Aggenbach
Banana, 2019
Cast bronze

Louise Bourgeois - Beautiful Night.jpg

Louise Bourgeois

Beautiful Night, 2014

9-color lithograph on music paper, signed and numbered - 53 × 70 cm

Edition 40/50

Koen Vanmechelen - MAD Art Gallery

Koen Vanmechelen
No Title (Painting)
Mixed media (canvas, Indian powders, eggyolk, pencil, chalk, feathers, printed plexiglass), 2019, 200 x 150 x 9 cm

Koen Vanmechelen - Fables and fantasies

Koen Vanmechelen
Fables and Fantasies
Viennese pillow, silvered taxidermy chicken feet, gilded 3D print, 2016
22 x 45 x 45 cm

Koen Vanmechelen - MAD Art Gallery

Koen Vanmechelen
No Title (painting)
Mixed media on canvas, plexi box, 2019
80 x 60 x 13 cm

Bert Daenen - Stillness_ST-3

Bert Daenen
Stillness — ST-3
Edition of 6 - Photo rag 350 gr.
Mounted on Dibond - Framed and signed

Bert Daenen - Stillness_ST-8

Bert Daenen
Stillness — ST-8
Edition of 6 - Photo rag 350 gr.
Mounted on Dibond - Framed and signed

Haidee Nel - MAD Art Gallery

Haidee Nel
2020 - 55.5 × 29 × 17 cm
Mixed media - Carved Yellow Wood (dress) - Blue Gum wood (mask)
Resin, marble dust & metal White Blue Gum wood, and marble dust (plinth)

Haidee Nel - MAD Art Gallery

Haidee Nel
Infantry - Girl
2020 - 57 × 29 × 24 cm
Series: 32/50
Mixed media - Dress: cast cement Limbs: resin marble dust
Amour: coffee tins, cookie cutters, goldilocks, steel wool, paintbrushes
Base: cement building block, resin and marble dust top

Marlene Dumas - MAD Art Gallery

Marlene Dumas
Baba Soldier
Watercolor on paper
29,5 x 21 cm.

Anton Smit - MAD Art Gallery

Anton Smit
Faith Mask II- Large
Wall mounted
Ca. 2005 - Resin
H 1375 - W 775 - D 240


Anton Smit
Chromatic Aberration
(H) 720 mm x (W) 400 mm x (D) 120 mm   
Material: steel
Unique edition
Weight: 9,3 KG

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